Indigenous peoples articulate their indigeneity within the political and legal language of secularism, even as it renders certain claims to…
The river is not a person: Indigeneity and the sacred in Aotearoa New Zealand
Earlier this year, the New Zealand Parliament passed a remarkable piece of legislation declaring the Whanganui River to be a…
From the Founders to Trump: The legalities of “Muslims”
Writing about the image of the “Muslim” at America’s founding, Denise Spellberg writes how debates on religious tests for office…
Islamic and Jewish Legal Reasoning: An introduction
Islamic and Jewish Legal Reasoning: Encountering Our Legal Other is a curious book, in part because it came out of a…
A tale of two burdens
In his landmark essay, Nomos and Narrative, the late legal scholar Robert Cover wrote about the jurispathic function of…
Samuel Moyn and the history of natural right
Within historical approaches to questions of natural right, one can approximately distinguish three main tendencies. The first is a whiggish…
Theorizing religion in modern Europe
On March 7-8, 2014, Harvard University will be hosting an international conference entitled "Theorizing Religion in Modern Europe."
CFP: Working with A Secular Age
On March 6-8, 2014, the University of Bern will host an international conference entitled "Working with A Secular Age: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Charles…
Preaching after the Trayvon Martin verdict
How can religion aid or complicate the ways in which people make sense of the trial of George Zimmerman and…
Religious freedom as a binding practice of suspicion
I would like to begin with a famous case in Egypt that, though over a decade and a half old,…