Haunted by its Roman Catholic background and still horrorstruck by last year’s mosque shooting, Québec, the French-speaking province of Canada,…
Martha Nussbaum on religion, tolerance, and feminism
Recently, David Johnson, Web Editor at the Boston Review, interviewed Martha Nussbaum and discussed her new publication, The New Religious…
“Burqa Ban” takes effect in France
On April 11th, the hotly debated "burqa ban" went into effect in France.
“Niqabitches” take on Paris
French students protest burka ban by hiding face, showing legs.
Joan Wallach Scott on notions of French citizenship
At Big Think, Joan Wallach Scott discusses French citizenship and laïcité in light of the current controversy over the burqa.
Secularism . . . a really interesting problematic: A conversation with Joan Wallach Scott
At a March 2010 conference, “Gendering the Divide: Conflicts at the Border of Religion and the Secular” (sponsored by Arizona…
Veiled threats?
At the New York Times philosophy forum, The Stone, Martha Nussbaum asks how philosophical and legal scholarship can help us…
France wrestles with upcoming vote to ban burqa
The popular push to ban the burqa in France lacks clear legality, reports The Associated Press.
Not just a bill to support women’s rights or secular values
On July 13, French parliament will vote on a bill to ban burqa-style veils in the name of gender equality…
Spain moves to ban burqa
In the most recent European attempt to prevent radical Islam's spread, Spain's Senate voted this past Wednesday in favor of…