Mike Huckabee’s early success in the primary season shows that evangelicals have political muscles to flex in the post-George W.…
Religion and the 2008 election

During the campaigning leading up to the 2008 election, scholars reflect on the role of religion in American politics.
Beating radical Islam
“People of faith want a candidate who can beat radical Islam.” So claimed Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, in a statement…
It’s the economy and the culture stupid!
I agree with Michael Lindsay that Mike Huckabee exhibits many of the qualities of a “cosmopolitan” evangelical. And yet it…
Grasping King’s mantle
One of the most important days in the Democratic Party’s presidential contest arrives today. It involves neither a caucus nor…
The makings of a pastoral presidency?
It is impossible to overstate the significance of the local church pastor in the lives of conservative Protestants. Even in…
Good ol’ time American politics?
Citizens responding to the current electoral climate of Christian agonistics – if they care at all about the significance and…
The evangelical vote
Who are evangelical voters supporting in the 2008 primary season? The facile assumption is to look for them in the…
Class, nation and covenant
Over the past few days, Barack Obama's "More Perfect Union" speech has been accessed millions of times on YouTube and…
The confession forum
A funny thing happened on the way to last Sunday’s Compassion Forum: the politics of religion gave way to the…
“Trust me”
On Sunday evening at Messiah College, the two contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination agreed to talk in a “deeply…