I want to offer a reflection on two religious developments in contemporary Europe that highlight but also challenge Roy’s account…
Self-inflicted wounds: The Church and dissipation of Christianity in Europe
[I]t bears emphasizing that the Roman Catholic Church itself is complicit in ensuring Christianity’s disappearance in Europe, even more fundamentally…
Is Europe (still) white?
But what does it mean to link Europe’s tarnished soul with an inquiry into the Christian nature of the continent,…
On the night of the Notre-Dame fire
Is Christianity still a foundational element of European identity? How could Christian heritage contribute to revive the European project?
Questions of power and privilege in Europe’s relationship with Christianity
It is not whether Europe is Christian or not that matters. What matters is who is asking the question and…
Practices of relation: Goh and Kaell
This dialogue between scholars Robbie Goh and Hillary Kaell covers the lure of the international, “agglomerative impulses,” and attachments to…
“Sing Hallelujah to the Lord”: Secular Christianities on Hong Kong’s Civic Square
Situated at what is arguably the founding moment of these 2019 protests, the popularity of “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord”…
“Citizen science,” environmental action, and religious pluralism
I joined Restoring Eden as a participant observer in 2016, soon after they carried out a series of citizen science…
The religious left left
At BeLoved, we would not call ourselves the religious left (though we are). We would call each other family because…
Beyond “Mother Goddess and God the Father”
To ponder divine motherhood is not as natural and comfortable a task for an ecofeminist scholar as one might imagine.…