...see video from the event at here & there. —Ed. * * * An-Na’im: If I may, on the universality question: there is no such thing as a universal human....
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Another reason why divorce is messy
by Hesham SallamAn interesting debate is taking place in Egypt regarding a controversial court ruling that ordered the Coptic Orthodox Church to allow its members to divorce and remarry. Prior to this...
Epic lives
by Pamela Klassen...and relational, Dorothea and Mary are rooted in both local bonds and a love for the world. Eliot’s goal was to write the stories of these women in order to...
Obama as public theologian: Old wine in new wineskins
by Ronald F. Thiemann...“this duty is precedent both in order of time and degree of obligation to the claims of Civil Society.” For both Locke and Madison, then, freedom of conscience, free exercise...
The Politics of Islamic Law: An introduction
by Iza Hussin...symbolic centralization. Muslim elites responding to the hazards and opportunities of colonialism often found themselves accepting the jurisdiction of colonial law even in order to contest it, setting in motion...
Duplicitous Dalits
...aspires to assess the motives and volition of minority converts in order to ratify the “legitimacy” of conversion. Legally encoding the separation of a purely religious domain from the material-political,...
Before anything, above all: No decision
...center of a Schmittian understanding of political theology. In its classic formulation, in line with Westphalian order, the politico-theological centers on the problem of sovereign decision. As the Schmittian dictum...
Understanding resacralization (part 1)
by Brandon Vaidyanathan...beliefs in order to be more compatible with modernity. Many sociologists of religion, especially those promoting “strictness theory” and “rational choice” approaches, have argued that when religious groups give up...
A secular state must deliver
by Mohammed Bamyeh...then really only one version of such shari’a. The question therefore is not which Islam is “true,” or even what kind of arguments are needed in order to prove one...
History and the historyless
by Leigh Eric Schmidt...projects seem built on denying history, on obliterating more than a millennium and a half of church history in order to return directly to Pentecost or the River Jordan or...