Bejan revisits early modern times of extreme verbal violence, sectarianism, and bloodshed with an eye on our own. Her brilliant…
Civility, identity, and agency
January 30, 2017
As an American teaching university in Canada, where the illiberal regulation of disfavored speech is increasingly common, I am tempted…
Civility, toleration, and “human rights as empathy”
January 27, 2017
As part of her argument in favor of mere civility, Bejan decisively rejects contemporary “civilitarian” claims that mutual respect and…
Contents and discontents of (post)modernity
February 27, 2014
The Unintended Reformation is an unusual work of history in deliberately focusing as much on the present as on the…
Boundaries of Toleration
February 24, 2014
In Boundaries of Toleration, editors Alfred Stepan and Charles Taylor ask: "How can people of diverse religious, ethnic, and linguistic…