Are there meaningful conceptual trajectories that can be traced between ancient Greco-Roman atomism, Spinozan monism, Humean empiricism, Marxian materialism, and…
The Immanent Frame
A new year at The Immanent Frame
January 16, 2015
Happy New Year from The Immanent Frame!
Five years
October 23, 2012
Five years ago this past Friday The Immanent Frame published its first essay, a short reflection on Charles Taylor's A Secular…
Survey for The Immanent Frame
August 6, 2012
As The Immanent Frame's five year anniversary is soon approaching, it is important to take time for reflection, and consider…
Internship with The Immanent Frame and Social Science Research Council
December 21, 2011
The SSRC's Religion and the Public Sphere program is currently accepting applications for a spring internship.
The Immanent Frame’s new format
June 9, 2010
As some readers may have noticed, we're presently in the process of shifting to a new format for presenting our…
Spinoza’s immanence
December 5, 2007
My hunch is that immanence does not necessarily lead to the “exclusive humanism” of which Taylor is so critical. My…