Last month, the image of three police officers standing over a woman on the beach in Nice, supervising the removal…
Crucifixes: cultural or religious?
Recently the European Court of Human Rights decided to allow the display of crucifixes in public school classrooms (Lautsi and…
Religion and place
Rural Vermont is a place known for its natural beauty---trees, rolling hills, and open green space. Recently, a Catholic couple…
“The Animated Avadhuta”
Trent Gilliss, senior editor of Speaking of Faith, shares the thought-provoking and beautifully drawn short "The Animated Avadhuta."
Discussing mosques, minarets, and crosses
Ruthie, Grace and David here, reporting live from the IWM International Summer School in Philosophy and Politics in Cortona, Italy.…
Crossing the sacred secular
In her essay on Salazar v. Buono, Winni Sullivan ponders why crosses present such a difficulty for the modern, secular nation-state, and…
Crossed signals and grave misunderstandings
In Sunday school I learned that the cross points to the empty tomb. Given how easily theological concepts jump the…
The Buddha according to Brooks
On Sunday May 25, 2008 the New York Times published an article entitled “Superhighway to Bliss” about Jill Bolte Taylor,…