In their posts, Vincent Pecora and Jonathan Sheehan suggest imagining secularization as an open-ended, ongoing project. Neither doubts that something…
Secularism by eschatology, deferred
It’s hard to say how Hans Blumenberg would have responded to recent data troubling the secularization thesis other than to…
Spain moves to ban burqa
In the most recent European attempt to prevent radical Islam's spread, Spain's Senate voted this past Wednesday in favor of…
Debating secularization
In his earlier post, Vincent Pecora suggests an “unfinished project” approach to secularization. He also hints that the difference between secularization…
Notes from the field
Over the course of the next three months, a small group of SSRC graduate student fellows associated with “After Secularization”—a…
The rise of the seculars
Kosmin and Keysar and others are already analyzing who has given up worship, belief, and other modes of religiosity. I…
The evangelical flagship at a crossroads
As Wheaton College, known for decades as the "evangelical Harvard," searches for a new president, the flagship evangelical institution stands…
The paucity of secularism?
It seems to me that what worries Wolterstorff about "right order" theories of justice (i.e., communitarian accounts) is that they…
Justice and rights-talk in liberal democracies
Nicholas Wolterstorff's Justice: Rights and Wrongs is a profoundly ambitious book. His normative aspiration is nothing less than "speaking up…
Secularism and press freedom
Secularism plays a crucial role in a certain moral narrative of modernity. This narrative tells a story of the liberation…