Recently, the President of Exodus International, Alan Chambers, made statements renouncing some of his organization's beliefs, such as the ability…
religion and politics
President Obama’s waning religious support
In 2008, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama was able to make crucial gains among religious moderates on his way to…
Gallup poll on sin
At The Atlantic, Molly Ball reports on Gallup's recent poll on Americans' attitudes about sin. According to the poll, Americans find birth control,…
American attitudes toward religious minorities
At last week's 67th annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Daniel Cox, director of the Public…
Sunni-Shia discord on the rise?
The Economist reported recently on the state of Sunni-Shia relations only a few years after a seemingly pivotal moment.
United Methodist Church, Israel, and divestment
Today at The New York Times, Laurie Goodstein reports on the United Methodist Church's decision not to divest from companies that supply Israel…
New online journal: Religion & Politics
Today marks the launch of Religion & Politics, an online journal from the John C. Danforth Center on Religion &…
Problems with new Gallup poll?
Gallup's latest poll, released today, breaks down presidential candidate support by voter religiosity and religious identity.
Religion and civic engagement in Europe
British think tank Demos has recently released a new report, written by Jonathan Birdwell and Mark Littler, entitled "Faithful Citizens." The…