Walking down Bowne Street in Flushing, Queens, you may see a most interesting sign. “Bowne House; Built in 1661," it…
New York City
Documentary project on the faith of New York City
Faith in the Five Boroughs is a documentary film project that focuses on the religious lives of New York City…
NYC religious groups vacate public schools and march in protest
The past few months have been a wild ride for church-state issues in the U.S. The Hosanna-Tabor decision upheld the…
Sacred Spaces in Profane Buildings: closing ceremony and panel discussion
On November 5, 2011, there will be a closing ceremony for the Sacred Spaces in Profane Buildings exhibition curated by…
Exploring the postsecular city
The New York Times reports on Tony Carnes' remarkable efforts to map every place of worship in New York City…
Fuel on the fire
As Dina Temple-Rastin of NPR reports, controversy over Park51 has reached a new zenith in way of irony. Far from helping…
Religious freedom, wisdom, and Park51
As the mid-term electoral season enters its final months, the growing controversy over the construction of Park51, the now well-known…
Faithful living in New York City
The New York Times reports on faith-based communal homes sprouting up in the city.
Jewish community responds to ADL statement on the Cordoba Initiative
This past week, adding to the controversy surrounding the Cordoba Initiative, the Anti-Defemation League (ADL) voiced its opposition to the…
Round-up: the Cordoba House controversy
A summary of news and commentary on the controversy surrounding the planned construction near the former World Trade Center site…