Over and again, the stories of Jessie Brown and other foreign nationals of Alexandria demonstrated that death defined the living.…
Social drama, universalisms’ political violence, and transnational law
In a perhaps somewhat contrapuntal response to the provocation to see the broader world differently than we may otherwise, as…
Encountering another science
The Lighthouse and the Observatory’s learned account of nineteenth-century Egyptian astronomy’s imbrications with religion, empire, and the social realities and…
Volatile signs: Feminism, secularism, political economy
What, then, does a feminist critique of secularism and its imperial geopolitics look like? What are the terms in which…
Power and civility
Mere Civility’s final rendering of the link between civility and the future is suggestive; it excavates a democratic ethos from…
Beyond the Secular State? Secularism, Empire, and Hegemony
Monday, November 14, 6:15 to 8:00 p.m. 403 Jerome Greene Hall, Columbia University Three orders of questions regarding secularism—genealogical, philosophical,…
Taking exception to American exceptionalism
The United States is an empire in decline, as well as a nation under enormous economic duress, and civil religion…
All used up
There is a question that has been haunting me about our times and our collective condition, specifically in regard to…