The Global Liberal Studies Program at New York University will hold its inaugural conference entitled Global Secularisms in New York City…
Conference: Apocalyptic Politics: Framing the Present
The Philosophy Department at Villanova's will be holding its 18th Annual Philosophy Conference this Spring (April 12-13).
Conference: After Secularization
On March 1st and 2nd, 2013, the Social Science Research Council and the University of California Humanities Research Institute will…
Conference on René Girard and international relations
On May 23-24, 2013, the University of Central Lancashire will convene a conference on "Politics, Violence and the Sacred: Exploring…
New School Center for Public Scholarship: Conference on giving
On December 6, 7, and 8, 2012, the New School is hosting the 28th Social Research Conference: Giving: Caring for…
CFP: 2013 Telos Conference
The 2013 Telos Conference is currently seeking paper submissions on the subject of Religion and Politics in a Post-Secular World.
The secular as space, the secular as process: The 2012 UCSIA summer school
At the end of August, the two of us joined approximately 30 scholars from around the world in Antwerp, Belgium…
Conference: Varieties of Continental Thought and Religion
From Thursday, June 14th, to Sunday, June 17th, the Philosophy Department at Ryerson University will host Varieties of Continental Thought…
CFP: “Radical Secularization?”
September 20-22, 2012, Universiteit Antwerpen will host a conference on secularization theory.
Call for papers: CSID annual conference
The organizers of the upcoming annual conference of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, "The Arab Spring:…