In The Zeleza Post, Wandia Njoya comments on the upcoming referendum on a new constitution in Kenya, where the Christian…
church and state
Religion and women’s rights in the British elections
Over at openDemocracy, Rahila Gupta discusses the significance of the upcoming British elections with respect to women's rights and religion.…
‘Under God’ not a prayer, rules Appeals Court
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has ruled that the…
A new twist in the Texas textbook case
Justin Elliot of Talking Points Memo reports that Don McLeroy, the "top conservative activist on the powerful Texas Board of…
The ethics of proselytism
At On Faith this week, "the question" is whether religious groups proselytizing overseas amounts to "religious freedom" or to "coercion."
On the role of religion in U.S. foreign policy
Since the release last week of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs' detailed and lengthy report (pdf) on the state…
From Bush to Obama, the faith-based initiative is still all politics
Late last week, the Brookings Institute convened a day-long conference marking the tenth anniversary of the faith-based initiative. Josh DuBois,…
The (religious) textbook wars
At The Faith Divide, Eboo Patel weighs in on the ongoing "culture war" over the religious content of textbooks in…
“How Christian Were the Founders?”
In this weekend's New York Times Magazine, Russell Shorto takes a long look at the Texas textbook controversy. Shorto comes to this…
Religious groups and political endorsements
Religious leaders have long been involved in political debates, social movements, and policy discussions. In a recent piece in on…