In his response to my concern about whether “post-Durkheimian” is a viable category, Charles Taylor goes part way in answering…
Charles Taylor
Sex and the subject of religion
The current campaign within the Archdiocese of New York to canonize the radical activist Dorothy Day (1897-1980) offers a good…
Practicing sex, practicing democracy
Why is it that sex is such a central part of American political life anyway? Why, when The New York…
Marriage plots
Despite the putative separation of church and state, one of the major places in the U.S. where religion and the…
What inspires us & what holds us together
Having escaped for a few seconds from the Commission, I had a chance to read many of the very interesting…
Varieties of Religion Today
In my first post, I discussed Charles Taylor’s book, A Catholic Modernity. I would now like to discuss a second…
Sex & aggression
I want to raise some questions about Taylor’s account of “our moral landscape” after the mainstreaming of the sexual revolution…
The Godless Delusion
“For Taylor,” writes John Patrick Diggins in The New York Times Book Review, “belief is not what science finds but…
A Catholic Modernity?
Some readers of Sources of the Self, particularly its last few chapters, might have wondered how exactly Taylor’s indirect plea…
Can sex be a minor form of spitting?
So what’s the problem? What’s the ethical crisis? For Taylor it is this: sexuality cannot carry the burden of the…