Reflecting on the consequences of the recent events in Egypt for the theory of religion, Carl Raschke writes that the…
Debating religion and media
The latest issue of Social Anthropology (sub. req.) contains a debate on religion and media between Charles Hirschkind and Matthew…
Blinded by the light, or, Why can’t liberals see?
Where a century ago liberal Christians (and even some anthropologists) were citing Marx and Bergson in the hope of transforming…
Is there a secular body?
Is there a secular body? Or, in somewhat different terms, is there a particular configuration of the human sensorium—of sensibilities,…
Landmarks in the critical study of secularism
In September of 2010, Talal Asad, William E. Connolly, Charles Hirschkind, and I met at the annual American Political Science…
The indispensability of form
The salience of ideas and practices that emphasize rupture from previous social settings and modes of thought should not blind…
Virtual Christianity
Whether this issue of South Atlantic Quarterly succeeds or fails, it will do so on the basis of its core…
The future of China’s past: An interview with Mayfair Yang
Anthropologist Mayfair Yang teaches in the Religious Studies Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She has done pioneering…
Being with Animals
Anthropologist Barbara J. King, whose previous book Evolving God explored the roots of religion among non-human animals, has a new…
Giving up the Holy Ghost
Keane’s account is convincing, but it is important to contextualize the semiotic ideology he defines. I could be misreading Keane…