Science and the soul: New inquiries into Islamic ethics

Seventeen scholars consider a broad range of topics that pivot off, but are not limited to, inquiries into itineraries of Islam and science. The forum features five recent books: The Iranian Metaphysicals (Princeton, 2018) by Alireza Doostdar, Jinnealogy (Stanford University Press, 2017) by Anand Taneja, The Arabic Freud (Princeton University Press, 2017) by Omnia El Shakry, Knot of the Soul (Chicago University Press, 2018) by Stefania Pandolfo, and The Lighthouse and the Observatory (Cambridge University Press, 2018) by Daniel Stolz.

Begin by reading Noah Salomon’s introduction to the forum here. He provides an overview of the intellectual depth of the conversation that arises between and among these five books, as well as outlines the forum’s structure. Then, check back each week as a new book is featured with essays by the author and two other scholars. These essays will be followed with reflections from some of the book authors and a conclusion by Hussein Agrama.
