As the final installment of the Fall 2018 book forum on The House of Government, forum co-curators Sonja Luehrmann and…
Todd Weir
Todd Weir is associate professor in History of Christianity and Modern Culture and Director of the Centre for Religion and Heritage at the University of Groningen. His Secularism and Religion in Nineteenth-Century Germany: The Rise of the Fourth Confession won the 2016 Jacques Barzun Prize for Cultural History. He is currently completing a monograph on "Secularism and Socialism in Germany 1890 to 1933." His next major research project will be a transnational history of the term worldview/Weltanschauung from 1790 to the present.
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Bolshevism as secular religion? A discussion of The House of Government
November 16, 2018
In order to expand the discussion of Slezkine’s study, we asked scholars of religion familiar with the Soviet and other…
When was the monist century?
October 3, 2017
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A clash of secularisms? The German historical experience
November 16, 2015
Claims made in the name of secularism vary greatly. At one extreme, self-described secularists in the United States portray their…