Today marks the 59th annual National Day of Prayer. The day was enacted by Congress in 1952 (36 U.S.C. §…
Lydia Brawner
Latest posts - Page 2
Mississippi’s sacrifical lambs
The mounting tides of awfulness in the Gulf of Mexico have prompted increased traffic in Abrahamic language.
Orthodox by Design
Jeremy Stolow's Orthodox by Design: Judaism, Print Politics and the ArtScroll Revolution will be published next month by University of…
The Little Death
This Friday, musician Matt Marks's "post-Christian nihilist pop opera" The Little Death will be staged at Galapagos Art Space in…
“Jesus was a Fighter”
Read The New York Times' report on Xtreme Ministries in Clarksville Tennessee, a hybrid church and mixed martial arts academy.
David Bazan’s (break-up) record
This month's Christianity Today features an interesting interview with (formerly) Christian indie-rock star David Bazan on his most recent release…
“Wrong on every detail that matters”
John R. Bowen, author of Why the French Don’t Like Headscarves and Can Islam be French, has a new article…
Christianity, NASCAR and the Daytona 500
With the Daytona 500, NASCAR's Super Bowl, coming up this Sunday, watch for Motor Racing Outreach, a non-denominational ministry dedicated to…