In Akeel Bilgrami’s contribution to Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age, "enchantment" refers to the historical belief that God…
Jane Bennett
Jane Bennett is Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities, in the Department of Political Science, at Johns Hopkins University. Her recent essays have appeared in Grain/Vapor/Ray (on Kafka's Odradek), Evental Aesthetics (special issue on Vital Materialism), and MLN (on mimesis). She is the author of Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things (2010); The Enchantment of Modern Life (2001); Thoreau's Nature (1994), and Unthinking Faith and Enlightenment (1987). Her latest book will appear in the spring of 2020 and is called Influx & Efflux: Writing up with Walt Whitman.