Thinkers like Joseph de Maistre and the attitudes they embody are the subject of Mark Lilla’s new book, The Shipwrecked…
Michael C. Behrent
Michael C. Behrent earned his Ph.D. at New York University and teaches European intellectual history and French history at Appalachian State University in North Carolina. He is the author of scholarly articles on religion and politics in France, French political thought, and the political legacy of Michel Foucault. He is currently writing a book on the origins of Foucault’s philosophical project. In addition to his academic work, he has also written journalistic pieces for publications such as La Vie des Idées, Sciences Humaines, and Alternatives Économiques.
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On France’s theologico-political crisis
May 12, 2016
Nations have different ways of talking about themselves. Americans tend to discuss their country in an idiom of national greatness,…