Today marks the hundredth entry in Frequencies. In the ten most recent entries, Nancy Levene takes our terms to task, John Modern considers the smell of language, Tomas Matza touches the healing screen, Gabriel Levy rides the waves of thought, Sarah McFarland Taylor goes thrifting, Adam Frank studies the spirit of science, Jeremy Rapport seeks the social in Unity, S. Brent Plate visits a galaxy far, far away, Omri Elisha prays for prayer, and Darryl Caterine writes automatically.
With 100 essays posted between September 1, 2011 and January 18, 2012, this phase of the Frequencies project is now complete. In future months, responses to the collection will be published here on The Immanent Frame. We would like to thank our 100 contributors for joining us on this venture with creativity, insight, and considerable style. And we’d like to thank our artists for offering such extraordinary visual expression to our work. Finally, we would like to thank Courtney Bender, Omar McRoberts, and the Spirituality, Political Engagement, and Public Life working group that inspired this venture. The Frequencies web site will continue to exist as a curio cabinet, an archive, and an interpretive beginning for anyone seeking to explore the meaning of spirituality in this twenty-first century moment. Please contact us if you would like to join or critique its ongoing reverberations.