Solidarity is, in fact, the modus operandus of her entire project. Solidarity is made for Bouteldja through connections that transgress…
United States
The Kingdom of God Has No Borders—An introduction
The Kingdom of God Has No Borders is a historical study, but it can help us understand the role of…
Sex and secularism after Trump
Together, Sex and Secularism and In the Name of Women’s Rights considerably deepen and extend the conversation into which I…
Is Masterpiece Cakeshop a church?
Where is the religion in this case and what kind of religion is it?
Conversion to Islam as religious and racial crossing
Due to the specific history of Islam in Western societies, the border that converts go over by becoming Muslim is…
Solitary confinement and the Nation of Islam
Prevailing understandings about race in prison often group black prisoners together, only separating them by gang affiliation. Yet, our essay…
Who needs conversion? Jewish conversion in a time of shattered boundaries
The idea that Jewish conversion might be unessential seems both provocative and counterintuitive. . . . Yet, in this short…
The Muslim Ban and academia
The Muslim Ban—in its current iteration as Proclamation 9645 and in its earlier forms—is certainly an egregious attack on the…
The geopolitics of the “shithole”
Secular modernity is marked by a persistent project of separating the modern body from its waste, masking excremental operations, and…
Ekklesia: An introduction
Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State takes the tenacious rubric of “church and state” and examines it through a…