My claim in this essay is that William Shakespeare’s theatre grew out of the early modern crisis of conversion—the period…
Oprah Winfrey
Los Angeles Review of Books reviews Oprah: The Gospel of an Icon
The Los Angeles Review of Books recently reviewed TIF editor-at-large Kathryn Lofton’s book Oprah: The Gospel of an Icon.
Interview with Kathryn Lofton
Kathryn Lofton recently sat down with Kristian Peterson of the website New Books in Religion, to discuss her recent title, Oprah:…
After Oprah
On the occassion of the final broadcast of "The Oprah Winfrey Show," Kathryn Lofton reflects, in an On Faith article, on…
Oprah the Omnipotent
Lofton tells me she shares with Jonathan Z. Smith the view that difference is the beginning of any good conversation.…
O is for Ozarks
O is for Oprah. O is for Ozarks. Can the second embrace the first? Though Lofton stays away from the…
What is Oprah?: An interview with Kathryn Lofton
In Oprah: The Gospel of an Icon, just out from University of California Press, Yale religion professor Kathryn Lofton orchestrates…
The Oprahfication of Obama
First, you need a name. Not just any name. A weird name: a Biblical misspelling, maybe, or an invocation of…