Where Singapore’s Malay-Muslim community has traditionally conceptualized notions of togetherness through the public commemoration of personal events, the hasty digitalization…
new media
A modest defense of the listicle
If, as Umberto Eco tells it, "the list is the origin of culture," then the Internet may be culture's apotheosis.…
Give me that digital religion
Every Sunday night in Omaha, Nebraska, a small group gathers in a United Church of Christ church lobby to watch…
Secularism and secularity at the AAR
At the upcoming annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion, to be held November 23-26 in Baltimore, a new program unit on “Secularism…
New resource for religion and new media
The Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture has recently launched a new resource website featuring an extensive bibliography, …
The road to Tahrir
While the uprising in Egypt caught most observers of the Middle East off guard, it did not come out of…
Holocaust survivor dances, controversy ensues
"Dancing Auschwitz" has reappeared on the internet not a year after its release in December of 2009, catching the attention…
Twitter and the death penalty
Earlier this week, The Washington Post's religion blog, "On Faith," posed a question regarding Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff's controversial tweet following the execution of convicted killer…
Introducing the Israel-Palestine Project
Diane Winston introduces the Israel-Palestine Project, a multimedia exploration of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, composed by students in her USC Annenberg…
Religion gone global: An interview with Reza Aslan
How many scholars of religions also run a film company? And how many members of the Council on Foreign Relations…