A post-grid imaginary is inadequate for dealing with a pandemic. Ultimately Covid-19 tests our fragile, fragmented infrastructures—whether in Lebanon or…
Pandemic, religion, and public life

This forum draws together scholars across the social sciences and the humanities to address various questions raised or renewed by Covid-19, and its effects on religious and public life globally. Invited contributors mobilize their expertise to help frame public and scholarly understandings of the current moment even as prospects for primary research are constrained at this time. Their insights contribute to developing a research agenda for the study of society during and after pandemic. Topics covered include social inequality and public infrastructure; neoliberalism, sovereignty, and the sacred; punishment, worship, and political responsibility; religious identity and moral crisis; migration, social media, and foreign affairs; ritual practice through digital technologies; and discourses of national emergency. The forum was curated by Mona Oraby, with editorial support from TIF editorial board member Courtney Bender.
To explore the SSRC’s series of initiatives devoted to understanding the coronavirus pandemic’s immediate impact, as well as its lasting consequences, visit https://covid19research.ssrc.org/.
The political theology of corona, the virus with a crown
A new sovereign—a virus with a crown—has revealed two contrasting realms of the sacred during its own state of emergency.
A wedding in a cemetery: Judaism, terror, and pandemic
American Jews have no scapegoats or sacrificial lambs to offer in response to Covid-19 nor desire to hold a shvartze…
Protection without punishment: Turning to Buddhist gods during Covid-19
I am curious about how people turned to the gods historically, the discursive modes permissible for doing so in 2020,…
Muslims and the American political imaginary during a pandemic
The fact that American Muslims have not been singled out during the current pandemic—particularly when viewed in light of the…
Pandemic security and insecurity in the Gulf
Covid-19 might be just another crisis in the Gulf region from which these societies will rebound to their former cartography…
Digital media, religious authority, and the Covid-19 pandemic
Though the ultra-Orthodox case is, of course, particular, it calls attention to how digital media may affect religious communities during…
Placing the pandemic in time: Astrology and Covid-19
Many Americans have turned to astrology, the study of correlations between celestial patterns and temporal events, to make sense of…
Overlooking official responses: Thai Buddhist institutions and Covid-19
It is striking to me that most of the discussions of Buddhist responses to Covid particularly in Southeast Asia .…
The pandemic and new Muslim publics
Where Singapore’s Malay-Muslim community has traditionally conceptualized notions of togetherness through the public commemoration of personal events, the hasty digitalization…