Survey data indicates a growing generational split among evangelicals, with the younger generation supporting a range of left-leaning policies that…
American evangelicals, Islam, and defining the “other”
How should we understand conflicts over identity, theological boundaries, and orthodoxy within religious communities and across religious, national, and racial…
Religion, democracy, and Christian nationalism
The intersection of religion and politics has been a key focus of the Social Science Research Council’s (SSRC) Program on…
Monotheistic religious nationalisms in India and Pakistan
On January 17, 2023, BBC World aired the first episode of its controversial two-part miniseries titled India: The Modi Question.…
“Settling in the hearts”: The new face of Jewish neonationalism in Israel’s mixed cities
In spring 2021, unprecedented intercommunal and police violence broke out in Jerusalem and other cities across Israel. Known as the…
Incoherent nationalism: Monuments to extinction in Sisi’s Egypt
The Egyptian government pledged in 2017 to allocate 1.27 billion EGP ($71 million) for the preservation of Jewish heritage. Restoring…
National identity, nationalism, and the politics of religion
This forum draws together scholars of religion, nationalism, and secularism with research expertise in North America, the Middle East, Europe,…
Understanding and undoing the far right: India and beyond
Rather than speak of the “right,” we in this concluding essay urge all to call these projects what they actually…
Online Hindutva as a global right-wing counterpublic
Rooted in a politics of grievance in each setting, different right-wing counterpublics frequently borrow themes, idioms, and vocabularies from one…
Revisited: Why do evangelicals vote for Trump?
Four years after his initial essay, Philip Gorski revisits his title question of "Why do evangelicals vote for Trump?" in…