The intersection of religion and politics has been a key focus of the Social Science Research Council’s (SSRC) Program on…
Religion, spirituality, and democratic renewal: Essays from our grantees

This forum features essays from the Postdoctoral Research grantees of the Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Fellowship, which aims to explore the place of religion and spirituality as they relate to current scholarly and public conversations about renewing democracy in the United States. As former director of the Religion and the Public Sphere Program, Alexa Dietrich, notes in her introduction to the forum, RSDR fellows initially called attention to Islamophobia and Christian nationalism; more recently funded grantees “illustrate the depth of understanding which must be attained if we are to overcome the differences brought about over the past several years, based in fear, inequality, and ideologically driven disagreement.” Essays featured in this series examine civic moralism in US Supreme Court opinions and school textbooks, the production of expertise on Islam within American evangelical publishing, Christian participation in US refugee resettlement programs, the relationship between Christian nationalism and antidemocratic values, and faith-based communities who are fostering democratic spaces for collaboration and place making across the United States.
Before Christian nationalism: Syncretic civic moralism, the Supreme Court, and the formation of young Americans
Over the last few years, we have seen what Candace Lukasik has aptly termed “anxious scholarly debate” regarding the rise…
American evangelicals, Islam, and defining the “other”
How should we understand conflicts over identity, theological boundaries, and orthodoxy within religious communities and across religious, national, and racial…
Welcoming the stranger at home
The headlines told the story. Following the inauguration of former president Donald Trump, articles with titles such as “White Evangelicals…
When does Christian nationalism promote anti-democratic attitudes?
The insurrection on January 6, 2021, ignited widespread concern about the health of democracy in the United States. Alongside this…
White Christian nationalism and the racial politics of analogy
What if the crowds who attacked the United States Capitol building on January 6, 2021, were not dominantly white and…
Keeping the faith: Queer religion as a template for political resistance to white Christian nationalism
“Dear Friend, Militant homosexuals are plotting a dangerously different future for America!” began a 1984 letter from Jerry Falwell, cofounder…
Spatial Islamophobia, conflict democracy, and Muslim cemeteries as place-making for the future
I see several old Southern Baptist and Methodist churches, some with graveyards, as I drive along in a small Southern…
Polarization and world-building
Each of the essays in this forum offers a different theoretical, disciplinary, and intellectual approach to the intersection of anti-Muslim…