Christopher R. Beha discusses a recent article he had written for Harper's Magazine in which he considers three publications, written…
Catholic doctrine and universities
In a recent article, Libby A. Nelson discusses the role of faith in Catholic universities and puts forth the question,…
What is religious freedom supposed to free?
What is religious freedom supposed to free? That is, what is the operant understanding of “religion” behind the claims of…
Prayer is technology. I think.
My dissertation is a comparison of the use of prayer, scripture, science education, and “high technology” in four religious high…
Arab and American revolutions in history
Thomas Farr, in his recent post, links the mass protests in the Arab world, combined with the persecution of Christian…
Disenchantment and the mind-dependence of the moral
At the core of contemporary secularism is the denial of the existence of deities and the supernatural. There is only…
A Catholic critique of capital?
A lengthy profile by John Cornwell, which appears in the November issue of Prospect, examines the biography and the philosophical…
A strong moral argument: A conversation with Andrew Bacevich
Author of The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War, The Limits of Power: the End of American…
Human morality
At the blog "The Stone," Frans de Waal, C. H. Candler Professor in Psychology and Director of the Living Links…
Understanding disenchantment
Jane Bennett’s sympathetic yet critical commentary on my essay "What is Enchantment?" (published in the volume Varieties of Secularism in…