So we have a few problems. First, we have trouble talking to each other because the talk itself has weight.…
Jeffrey Guhin
Jeffrey Guhin is an assistant professor of sociology at UCLA whose research interests include education, culture, religion, and theory. His first book, a comparison of two Sunni Muslim and two Evangelical Christian high schools, forthcoming from Oxford University Press, is tentatively titled "Make Belief."
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The Vatican Spring?
May 10, 2013
Does the election of Francis I signal a major shift in Vatican policy, structure, or doctrine? How significant is Francis’…
The Help, ethnography, and ickiness
August 20, 2011
This is a post about the politics of representation, postcolonial theory, and the Hollywood movie, The Help. And it begins…
Why I don’t read non-fiction from Barnes and Noble, and why that’s a problem for public scholarship; or, what I learned in third grade about epistemology and essentialization
August 4, 2011
I have not been interested in the Barnes and Noble non-fiction section for a long time. There might be a…
Prayer is technology. I think.
July 11, 2011
My dissertation is a comparison of the use of prayer, scripture, science education, and “high technology” in four religious high…