A new sovereign—a virus with a crown—has revealed two contrasting realms of the sacred during its own state of emergency.
health care
The bishops, the sisters, and religious freedom
At its March 2012 meeting, the Administrative Committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved “Our First, Most…
The Vatican and the “war on women religious”
The recent Vatican report on the Leadership Council of Women Religious (LCWR), an umbrella organization representing roughly eighty percent of American…
War on nuns
At The Nation, Norman Birnbaum, professor emeritus at Georgetown University Law Center, rebukes the Catholic Church for its historical "unyielding…
The spiritual politics of healing
Debates regarding health care have struck at the core of social and political imaginaries of what it means for both…
Christianity and healthcare reform
Sarah Posner, of The American Prospect, has written an article about how some Christian, non-profit groups, known as health-care-sharing ministries…
“How the health care bill made nuns rad”
At Slate, Noreen Malone notes that American nuns were instrumental in countering the conservative position of the Catholic Bishops during…
Should prayer be covered by health insurance?
According to Christian Scientists, the answer is yes. A New York Times report states that "[t]he church has been lobbying…
Religion and healthcare
In the Huffington Post, Princeton Professsor Paul Raushenbush argues that he can't think of one religious reason to be against…