A finer understanding of how the far right organizes is essential to avoiding inadequate comparisons to past experiences and devising…
Orders of nature, norms of order
The sentiment that we are in a troubled, uncertain, and unusual period reverberates throughout media think pieces, anodyne corporate advertisements,…
Social climates beyond belief and doubt
Robin Globus Veldman’s The Gospel of Climate Skepticism is a timely intervention into longstanding debates about the relationship between religious…
Practices of relation: Gorski and Perry
Sociologists Philip Gorski and Samuel Perry engage one another in critical dialogue around White Christian Nationalism in the United States.
Global evangelicalism unbound
Defining the boundaries of evangelicalism, always a difficult task, appears even more fraught at a time when (white) evangelicalism has…
United States religion in a transnational frame
How does McAlister’s account of religion and politics square with the prominent themes of contemporary developments?
The world through American evangelical lenses
While most scholars, pollsters, and even the general public continue to envision American evangelicalism through its features permeating American politics…
Bordering the Kingdom
If the Kingdom of God has no borders, then this can be true only for those for whom borders do…
Enchanted complicity
Could there be anything more American than flying to a remote and impoverished place with no goal other than a…
Changing the frame: American evangelicalism in global perspective
Rather than continuing to conjecture about Trump’s most faithful constituency, what if observers of contemporary American Christianity asked a different…