Soon after reading Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age, I turned to Courtney Bender’s The New Metaphysicals. It is…
The sun shone fiercely through the window at Starbucks (Part I)
Let us recognize, from the outset, the delicious perversity of inviting comments upon comments about the comments about Charles Taylor’s…
Understanding disenchantment
Jane Bennett’s sympathetic yet critical commentary on my essay "What is Enchantment?" (published in the volume Varieties of Secularism in…
On the call from outside
In Akeel Bilgrami’s contribution to Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age, "enchantment" refers to the historical belief that God…
Quantum sociology and The New Metaphysicals
At first glance, Courtney Bender’s The New Metaphysicals might appear narrow and idiosyncratic. After all, it's an ethnography of spiritual practitioners in…
Buffered and porous selves
Almost everyone can agree that one of the big differences between us and our ancestors of five hundred years ago…
Deus absconditus and disenchantment
Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age is an inspired yet rigorously argued Wagnerian effort to analyze the distinctive anxieties of modern…