So we have a few problems. First, we have trouble talking to each other because the talk itself has weight.…
Listening as a practice of humility
Right now in America, we have a civic discourse that is shrinking dangerously. Might a portion of the shrinkage be…
Mere Civility—A reply
"First, I must thank each of the contributors to this forum for their more than merely civil responses to my…
Civility, identity, and agency
As an American teaching university in Canada, where the illiberal regulation of disfavored speech is increasingly common, I am tempted…
Civility, toleration, and “human rights as empathy”
As part of her argument in favor of mere civility, Bejan decisively rejects contemporary “civilitarian” claims that mutual respect and…
Seinfeld, Roger Williams, and religious toleration
George: This is what she said to me, “Can we change the subject?” Jerry: See, now that I don't care…
Mere Civility—An introduction
At the height of the 2016 American presidential election, a colleague asked whether I was worried that my forthcoming book…
CFP: “Ethics, Religion, and Civil Discourse”
How might schools play a role in encouraging or discouraging civil discourse across religious and political lines? The National Endowment…