In late January, a new blog on the role of religion in the public sphere was launched: Religion: Going Public.
academic blogging
Are academics cloistered?
Recently, The New York Times published an article by Nicholas Kristof that lamented how academics, cloistered like medieval monks, have…
Digital publishing and the academic study of religion
Over at The Huffington Post, Norris J. Chumley writes on the growing influence of online forums and journals in the…
Our Values
Our Values is a new blog published by the Michigan Institute for Social Research and featuring the writing of sociologist…
States of Devotion, a brand new blog
The Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics at NYU has recently launched States of Devotion, a trilingual blog serving as…
New blog on religion and modernity
Contending Modernities, a research initiative of the University of Notre Dame's Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, has launched a new blog, featuring essays by Margot…
Lessons learned from academic blogging
At Religion in American History, Edward J. Blum reflects on how blogging may influence a junior scholar's career, for better…