Over at The Huffington Post, Norris J. Chumley writes on the growing influence of online forums and journals in the academic world of religion:
Internet publishing is being taken more seriously these days in the study of religion. Online journals and forums such as The Immanent Frame, Fre.quenci.es, and the recently launched Reverberations, from the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) are now considered to be creditable sources of scholarly research, conduits of collaboration and tools for dialogue.
It’s a nascent endeavor to be sure as these online forums are fairly new. Not so long ago anything but a peer-reviewed article or book printed by an established academic press was all that found its way onto a curriculum vitae. It initially took a bit of courage and brave experimentation to forgo a traditionally published and bound volume in favor of an all-digital platform for one’s work. Still, peer-reviewed, bound and traditionally published work is at the forefront. But times are changing exponentially fast.
Read the full article here.