The concept of the soul has an important place in the conceptual apparatuses of towering figures of modern social thought…
What Taylor misses
The heft of a book would seem proportional to its exhaustiveness. It is no surprise that Charles Taylor's A Secular…
Religion in the American West: a new blog
The American Academy of Religion's Seminar on Religion in the American West has recently launched a group blog.
Higher times in the Bible Belt
Rich in interdisciplinary breadth, Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age offers an opportunity to reflect on the reception of…
New answers to old questions
David Smilde and Matthew May’s finding that there is an “emerging strong program” in the sociology of religion is a…
College Professors not as non-religious as one would think
Sociology of Religion has just published a study by Neil Gross and Solon Simmons on US professors' belief in God.…
Institutional parochialism and the sociology of religion
Recently, Levitt, Bender, Cadge and Smilde have argued that scholarship in the sociology of religion might become less “parochial” and…
Toward a sociology of social religion
Like many of the other participants in this discussion on the current state of the sociological study of religion, we…
Sybil and the strong, silent type
Appearing at the same time as a manifesto for expanding American sociologists’ approaches to religion, Smilde and May’s report is…
A call for sustained epistemological work
I would like to suggest that sociology, and particularly sociology of religion, can benefit greatly from a thorough examination of…