The Social Science Research Council has announced three new fellowship opportunities for African faculty researching topics related to peace, security, and development.…
Crafting the secular studies syllabus
Pitzer College having announced that it will offer a major in "secular studies," the Harvard University Press Blog compiles a…
Explaining Islam to the public
Perhaps no group of scholars has had as much at stake in the public understanding of religion of late as…
Words, war, and worldviews
In the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Mark Juergensmeyer, former president of the AAR, weaves together a brief…
Studying Evangelicals
In The Chronicle of Higher Education, Timothy Beal reflects on the historic inattention of academic research to popular evangelical trends…
Soul-making and careless steps
For once, practice actually lags behind theory. In their very interesting post on “Reconceiving the secular and the practice of…
Nothing human is foreign to me
The problem as I see it is not that students in the liberal arts are somehow forbidden to argue their…
NEH seminar on the study of religion
A professional seminar on the study of religion, supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, will be held next…
Reconceiving the secular and the practice of the liberal arts
Between 2006-2009, with the support of the Teagle Foundation, four self-identifying secular liberal arts campuses—Bucknell University and Macalester, Vassar, and…
Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation is currently fielding applications for the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.