...right-wing gangs that is unfolding along Paris’s outskirts leaves him largely indifferent. What paves the way for his conversion to Islam—and his acceptance of the new order that Islamist president...
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Capturing spirituality
by Rodrigo Toniol...in order to establish such correlations, medical researchers employ instruments and methodologies capable of converting “spirituality” into scientific datum. That is to say, they must transform it into some kind...
Nothing special about religion
by Mark S. Cladis...of applications of this model in order to lend specificity to my theoretical reflections. The model allows religious voices in public and political debate while disallowing state funding and actions...
On Religious-Secular Alliances
by Wei Zhu...and Secular Humanisms, argues that in order to understand the moral foundation and democratic potential of religious-secular alliances, it is important to move beyond the discourse of power. Although religious-secular...
Elsewhere, in the saturation of the body
by Chika Watanabe...in which staff and trainees line up in the courtyard and follow an exercise of salutes, calling out orders, and raising the flags of the trainees’ countries and Japan. One...
The “New New Atheists”
by Candice Scharf...doing away with religion means doing away with most of what comes with it: a sense of order in the universe, the hope that life has some inherent meaning, even...
Bigging Bosnia up
...informed by Schmitt’s ideas, Li’s view of universality seems to be entirely spatial in character. But Schmitt described different orders of spatiality, from the early-modern “amity lines” of Spanish and...
When mercy doesnβt season justice: Rights versus humanitarian relief
...As a result, refugees’ claims of persecution are often denuded of politics in order to trade on the compassion of those with power. To draw on Arendt once again, the...
Compulsory things: Some reflections on Hirschkind and Doostdar

...a séance. If a suitable medium—often a young, frail woman—was available, she would be hypnotized . . . in order to enter a trance state and communicate with the spirits...
Promoting marriage and Christianity in America
by Melanie Heath...attention to the less-known marriage promotion movement in the United States, in order to shed further light on how state and religion work together to define and protect the boundaries...