On July 29—one week from today—the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University and the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom will host The Interplay between...
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Making persons, cultures, and nations
...paradox in a world dominated by what Daromir Rudnyckyj calls “geoeconomics.” In Beyond Debt, Rudnyckyj argues that economic networks of capital constitute “the primary frame of international action” in the...
Rethinking secularism
by Jonathan VanAntwerpenA public roundtable at Columbia University Thursday, November 13, 2008, 4:30-6:30 p.m. International Affairs Building, Room 802, 420 West 118th Street Indeed, it is only by questioning the liberal private-public...
Who speaks for Islam?
by John L. Esposito...the politically radicalized are more concerned and pessimistic about world affairs and international politics regarding issues like U.S. hegemony, invasion, and dependency. Responding to an open-ended question, politically radicalized frequently...
Anatolian Muslimhood
by Nathan SchneiderMax Farrar writes about the Turkish (though now living in Pennsylvania) intellectual Fethullah Gülen and his well-funded international movement. Gülen recently topped Foreign Affairs magazine’s list of the World’s Top...
Pakistan takes on Islamism
by Laura Duane...talks with the Kabul government are just some of the steps that Islamabad can take. For the army and the fragile civilian government of President Asif Zardari, international support is...
Religion and modern communication
by Bryan S. Turner...urban and largely secular societies, in countries where international corporations have provided employment opportunities for young people willing or able to leave their villages for work in the megacities. The...
Rastafari women’s early-twentieth-century world-making
...years of the global pandemic have raised new issues in the international Rastafari community about the ways Rastafari people affirm the influence and presence of women and atone for the...
Tony Blair on faith-based development
by Nathan SchneiderAt the Guardian‘s Comment Is Free, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair lays out his approach to international development through faith-based organizations: We know they are effective advocates—that’s not the...
Secularism and race
by John D. Boy...together an international group of scholars on race, religion, and public policy, as well as activists: This conference explores the ways in which questions of race, religion and religious affiliation...