...attention to the less-known marriage promotion movement in the United States, in order to shed further light on how state and religion work together to define and protect the boundaries...
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Robert George presents the anti-abortion case
by Ruth BraunsteinAt God & Country, Dan Gilgoff posts Robert George’s responses to Doug Kmiec’s questions about embryonic stem cell research and the question, “When does life begin?” Q. Assume we need...
Charges for “Changing of the guard”
by Laura Duane...campaign to lure faith voters, and their clear response to that lure, it could be that moderate evangelicalism will be the norm. This will mean that in order to be...
Curse God and die: On Agamben and Job
by Adam Kotsko...is by making God himself into a philosopher. In response to Job’s questioning, God acknowledges the great struggle involved in maintaining cosmic order in the face of chaotic forces. While...
Religious and sexual freedoms are not opposed
by Janet R. Jakobsen and Ann Pellegrini...Yes, of course Obama should repeal DADT—and suspend it immediately by executive order as is in his power. Of course he should move to repeal DOMA. But is this really...
Conversion and race in colonial slavery
...owners adapted: they introduced a new language of exclusion based on “whiteness” rather than Christian status. In Barbados and elsewhere, slave-owning lawmakers wrote whiteness into their lawbooks in order to...
Ecologies of the dead and living: Mourning out of place
...a procession of twenty-two mummies—eighteen kings and four queens, in order of reign—that was broadcast live. The millennia-old remains were transported three miles, from their initial resting place in Tahrir...
Cosmology and the environment
...the vast stores of knowledge generated in the last two centuries. It is immensely rich because it encapsulates knowledge from the entire world; indeed, that may be why it has...
The aesthetics of neural Buddhism
by Francisca Cho...disparate data of biology into a unified picture, and you can sense the aesthetic pleasure. The economy with which the chaos of the world is marshaled into order by a...