...the House of Lords solicited an official statement from Indian attorney-general Soli Sorabjee on the Code’s outcomes. Sorabjee’s report was emphatically negative. The Code, he said, had fostered “intolerance, divisiveness,...
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VIPREG2024 1xbet apk promo code Germany
Practices of relation
Practices of relation: Baer and Imhoff
July 20, 2020
...about whether “Islam belongs to Germany.” Marcus’s life and work proved that it does, as he was the leading German Muslim in Weimar and pre-war Nazi Germany who even edited...
July 20, 2020
Deathless questions and other interviews
The view from Berlin: An interview with Hubert Knoblauch
by John D. Boy...fact, the religious situation in Germany isn’t what has changed—it actually remains largely unchanged, religion hasn’t become any more fashionable—but public discourse has changed. The fact that one of Germany’s...
October 16, 2012
Sharia Compliant
Islamic law as “code”: Language, system, power
April 24, 2018
...in Islamic jurisprudential traditions. Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) is a technology, and the fuqaha (jurisprudents) are programmers, making the law “code” in more senses than one. If the code is a...
April 24, 2018
Book introductions
The Battle for the Catholic Past in Germany: An introduction
August 31, 2017
...screamed from front-page headlines, the magazine covers of the most influential newsweeklies, the glossy covers and pages of illustrated magazines like Der Spiegel, and the bestseller lists in Germany and...
August 31, 2017
A Secular Age
Varieties of anti-religious imagination
by Ateş Altınordu...of late nineteenth century. Among scholars of religion and secularism, José Casanova has noted this similarity on a global scale. However, in Germany at least, this comparison is not as...
April 30, 2008
here & there
George Lakoff on The Obama Code
by Ruth Braunstein...the Obama Code. For the sake of unity, the President tends to express his moral vision indirectly. Like other self-aware and highly articulate speakers, he connects with his audience using...
February 24, 2009
here & there
Germany’s search for a hero
by Charles GelmanIn the National, Clay Risen probes the perplexities of contemporary Germany’s relation to its forsaken national mythos, which are coming to a head this autumn with the 2,000th anniversary of...
October 15, 2009
here & there
Germany offers rehab for Islamic radicals
by Amanda KaplanUSA Today reported yesterday on a novel tactic for combating Islamic radicalism now being implemented in Germany: Germany’s domestic intelligence service has started a program for Islamic radicals who want...
July 20, 2010
here & there
Skyping secularism: Religion and multiple modernities
by Thomas Alberts...family code was debated hotly after independence, with women’s groups and Muslim authorities disagreeing on a range of issues. The family code is essentially a set of laws that regulates...
August 9, 2010