Everson v. Board of Education is considered a landmark of First Amendment jurisprudence. That 1947 case marks the first time…
The politics of religious freedom
Received wisdom from across the political spectrum suggests that securing religious freedom results in peaceful co-existence and ensures individual and associational flourishing vis-à-vis the state. Meanwhile, a deficit of religious freedom is seen as a driving force behind—if not the proximate cause of—insecurity and violence. The logic of these assumptions is currently being used to justify a wide range of well-funded public and private interventions in many parts of the world.
But what is religious freedom, and why are we talking about it now?
Guest edited by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd and Winnifred Fallers Sullivan in conjunction with a joint research project, this ongoing discussion considers the multiple histories and genealogies of religious freedom—and the multiple contexts in which those histories and genealogies are salient today.
The bishops, the sisters, and religious freedom
At its March 2012 meeting, the Administrative Committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved “Our First, Most…
Is religion free?
To this stimulating and learned series of posts I cannot add much about the genealogy of religious freedom or its…
Social eugenics, unintended consequences, and dropped balls
These essays provoked me in a number of ways, especially with their combined penchant for probing raw nerves. Indeed, I…
Politics of religious freedom in South Africa
Unlike Europe and North America, the discussions in South Africa relating to religious freedom do not center on the extent…
Religious freedom as a binding practice of suspicion
I would like to begin with a famous case in Egypt that, though over a decade and a half old,…
On the freedom of the concepts of religion and belief
This short piece attempts to come at the current debate on law and religious freedom from two unusual angles. I…
Traditional, African, religious, freedom?
I have been observing and analyzing religious trends in various parts of sub-Saharan Africa for several decades, with a particular…
Religious freedom and multiculturalism: Canadian contentions
In its annual survey, “Minority Religious Communities At Risk,” the First Freedom Center of Virginia observed intensified contention over the…