Lepselter’s text is a magisterial enactment of the thing that it is ultimately about: American weirdness.
Openings and flashes: A reply to Shelton and Sornito
March 1, 2019
Here are two intensely original essays in distinct voices and registers that also repeatedly intersect. Reading Christina Sornito and Allen…
Modern flashiness: A method
March 1, 2019
Of her informants from the Hillview UFO Experiencers group to the Little A’Le’Inn, Lepselter writes, “[Y]ou don’t need a Christian…
Open Sky (after Paul Virilio)
March 1, 2019
After Trump was elected president it felt like the sky had turned to iron with nothing but smudgy glass portals…
Proximate enigmas
November 21, 2018
I’m delighted—and daunted!—for this chance at engaging the rich discussions of this forum. Nothing I say in this short space…
The glowing aura of an impossible elsewhere
March 7, 2018
In this moment of unbearable precariousness, what does it mean to turn one’s face away from the only this of…