Why have religious philosophers and theologians been drawn to phenomenology in particular? The essays in this forum suggest several answers…
Emmanuel Levinas
Law, love, phenomenology: Levinas between Lyotard and Marion
October 23, 2020
In the 1990s, Dominique Janicaud denounced authors such as Emmanuel Levinas and Jean-Luc Marion for engineering a "theological turn" in…
An atheism a theologian can love
September 16, 2010
“Strangely enough,” Foucault mused, “man—the study of whom is supposed by the naïve to be the oldest investigation since Socrates—is…
Atheism and antihumanism as intellectual-historical objects
July 21, 2010
I begin this post by posing straightaway the questions that will guide my argument. In what way can atheism and…
Antihumanism and religion
June 11, 2010
One of the things that intellectual historians show us, although often only implicitly, is the fluidity of the terms of…
Secularism, atheism, antihumanism
June 3, 2010
In a 1956 text on ethics and literature, Emmanuel Levinas offered the following diagnosis of the philosophical trends of his…