The Fourth Annual Coptic Canadian History Project Conference will be held April 24, 2020 at the University of Minnesota. The theme is “Victim, Symbol, or Actor? Middle Eastern Migrants in Transnational Perspectives.” The conference aims to encourage scholarly collaboration and to unite junior researchers in the field of Coptic Studies, Middle East Studies, and those researching migration, transnationalism, victimization, and beyond.
here & there
Announcements, events, and opportunities related to topics of interest to TIF readers are posted here. Additionally you may find round-ups of news items and brief commentary on current events.
For a listing of all of the events announcements, click here.
For a listing of announcements regarding books, click here.
CFP | Emerging Scholars in Political Theology: 2020-2021
by The EditorsThe Political Theology Network invites applications from early-career scholars for its 2020-2021 Emerging Scholars in Political Theology program. Vincent Lloyd and Winnifred Sullivan will serve as mentors for the 2020-2021 cohort. Participants will meet in person three times: at Villanova University July 19-24, 2020, in Chicago in January of 2021, and again at Villanova in the Summer of 2021—in addition to online video conference meetings. All expenses will be paid, and Emerging Scholars will receive a $2,000 stipend for their participation. The deadline to apply is January 15, 2020.
RFP | Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Fellowship
by The EditorsThe RSDR fellowship program invites proposals for research at the intersection of religion, spirituality, and democracy in the United States. The fellowships offer research support over a period of up to 12 months to doctoral students who have advanced to candidacy and to postdoctoral researchers within five years of their PhD. Applications are due March 16, 2020.
Call for Applications | Gender, Sex, and Power: Towards a History of Clergy Sex Abuse in the US Catholic Church
by The EditorsThe Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism at the University of Notre Dame is forming a working group devoted both to furthering research on the sexual abuse crisis in the US Catholic Church and its causes from various disciplinary perspectives, primarily historical and ethnographic, and to asking how this research illuminates new pathways into understanding modern Catholicism. Online applications to join this working group are due by March 15, 2020.
CFP | Symposium on Comparative Early Modern Legal History
by The EditorsThis is a call for papers in anticipation of a one-day conference to be organized by Brian Owensby (University of Virginia) and Richard Ross (University of Illinois) through the Symposium on Comparative Early Modern Legal History. The conference, to be held at the Newberry Library in Chicago on Friday, April 23, 2021, is entitled, “Law, Theology, and the Moral Regulation of ‘Economy’ in the Early-Modern Atlantic World.”
Summer 2020 Call for Individual Essays – Religion and pandemic
by The EditorsThe Immanent Frame recently put out a call that invites essays addressing the Covid-19 crisis and its implications in relation to TIF’s thematic focus. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the role of religious ideas, practices, and organizations in responding to the pandemic; changing practices around death, dying, burial, and mourning; understandings of community and isolation or solitude; new technologies for religious worship and sanctuary; anti-Asian racism, antiblackness, and racial justice; corporate response to health emergencies; and digital pedagogy.
Religion in Quarantine: The Future of Religion in a Post-Pandemic World
by Heidi CampbellWhat would religiosity look like if social distancing became the “new normal”? Would expressions of faith need to become increasingly technologically mediated to protect the vulnerable? Would religious leaders accept this shift and willingly adapt? The result of these questions and conversations with other scholars of religion online is now published as an eBook called Religion in Quarantine: The Future of Religion in a Post-Pandemic World. To create this book, Texas A&M University Religious Studies faculty and students explored the shifts in religious practice within Jewish, Muslim, and Christian contexts, primarily within the first three and a half months of the pandemic. By combining reflections from our spiritual journeys in our respective religious communities, along with research on how the pandemic affected the way we investigate religion both in current times and how we will in the future, a number of common themes emerged. This eBook reports eight lessons drawn from this research.
Editorial board updates
by The EditorsThe Immanent Frame is pleased to announce a few changes to its editorial board, which was first constituted in March 2016 and continues to work alongside Editor Mona Oraby and Editorial Associate Olivia Whitener to bring content to the site. Continue reading for information on the three newly appointed members and a thank you for the former editorial board members whose terms have ended in 2020.
RFP | SSRC Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Fellowship
by The EditorsThe Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal (RSDR) Fellowship of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is now accepting applications for research proposals from doctoral students and recent PhD recipients for projects at the intersection of religion, spirituality, and democracy in the United States. Applications are due April 6, 2021.
Most-Read Essays of 2020
by The EditorsCheck out the The Immanent Frame's ten most-read essays of 2020. These essays cover topics from Covid-19 and astrology to white Christian nationalism, span geographic regions from Latin America to the Balkans to East Asia, and examine current and historic events. Explore all essays and exchanges from the past year and beyond, including our A Universe of Terms project. Thank you to the more than one hundred contributors who wrote for The Immanent Frame in 2020. We look forward to another year of scholarly exchanges!