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Latest posts - Page 11
Notes from the field
June 23, 2010
Over the course of the next three months, a small group of SSRC graduate student fellows associated with “After Secularization”—a…
“Haiti: Can Catastrophe Spur Progress?”—live stream at 12:30pm
March 17, 2010
Tune in at 12:30pm (EDT) today to "Haiti: Can Catastrophe Spur Progress," a talk by SSRC Program Director of the…
The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere
March 10, 2010
In The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere, due out spring 2011 from Columbia University Press and the SSRC,…
Rethinking secularism: The power of religion in the public sphere
December 4, 2009
On October 22, 2009, over 1000 people gathered in the vast and venerable Great Hall at New York City's Cooper…
Judith Butler and Cornel West in conversation
December 4, 2009
In a recent symposium held by the Institute for Public Knowledge at NYU, the Social Science Research Council and the…
Jürgen Habermas and Charles Taylor in conversation
November 20, 2009
In a symposium convened by the Institute for Public Knowledge at NYU, the Social Science Research Council and the Humanities…