As the final installment of the Fall 2018 book forum on The House of Government, forum co-curators Sonja Luehrmann and…
Bolshevism as secular religion? A discussion of The House of Government
November 16, 2018
In order to expand the discussion of Slezkine’s study, we asked scholars of religion familiar with the Soviet and other…
Political religion and crises of legitimacy
July 19, 2017
"There were hopes after the collapse of the Soviet Union that this sort of religion would never re-emerge, at least…
Four patriarchs and a Baptist preacher
March 27, 2014
A brief glance back at the history of Ukraine reveals a religiously diverse assortment of leaders.
Pussy Riot’s punk prayer
September 18, 2012
On February 21, 2012, five members of a Russian punk collective called Pussy Riot entered the Cathedral of Christ the…
Politics of Faith—The Role of Religion in Divided Societies
November 8, 2011
America Abroad, the award-winning documentary radio program, has released a new documentary, "The Politics of Faith---The Role of Religion in…