In this exchange, Mayanthi Fernando and Susan Harding reflect on the norms and taboos of the secular academy and on…
Islamic and Jewish Legal Reasoning: An introduction
Islamic and Jewish Legal Reasoning: Encountering Our Legal Other is a curious book, in part because it came out of a…
CFP: Post-Secularism Between Public Reason and Political Theology
Guest Editors Camil Ungureanu and Lasse Thomassen are requesting submissions for a special issue of the journal The European Legacy…
The God Problem: Expressing Faith and Being Reasonable
In his new publication, The God Problem: Expressing Faith and Being Reasonable, Robert Wuthnow conducted more than two hundred interviews…
New review of Bellah’s Religion in Human Evolution
For Tricycle, an independent Buddhist publication, Linda Heuman reviews Robert Bellah's Religion in Human Evolution, highlighting the place Bellah gives…
What are the uses of religion?
Raising issues central to post-secularism, Ryan Gillespie reviews three distinct recent works---Steven D. Smith's The Disenchantment of Secular Discourse, Terry…
Paul Kahn’s roots
Paul W. Kahn's Political Theology: Four New Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty is a compelling book, though compelling in…
Love and reason
Anyone who has entered the labyrinth of A Secular Age should welcome this volume as a guide. Its contributors unwind…
A Response to Susan Jacoby on the Oil Spill
Susan Jacoby, author of The Age of American Unreason and a contributor to the On Faith column at The Washington Post, has recently…
Heraclitean spirituality: ephemeral selves
"That it cannot break time and time's greed---that is the will's loneliest misery." Thus spoke Zarathustra. To try to escape…