e-International Relations has recently published "The Sacred and the Sovereign," a collection of short articles by Jeffrey Haynes, Elizabeth Shakman…
international relations
A suspension of (dis)belief
Most academic discussions in political science and international relations presuppose a fixed definition of the secular and the religious and…
Myths of Mubarak
The term ‘secular’ and its conceptual affiliates are doing a lot of work in misrepresenting the uprising in Egypt. ‘Secular’…
Religion and the United Nations
The September issue of CrossCurrents, co-edited by Azza Karam and Matthew Weiner, examines the relationship between religion and the United…
American Katechon
Nicolas Guilhot on when political theology became international relations theory.
History as guide
Yesterday's presidential election in the United States and the 10th anniversary of the U.S. International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) last…
Religious freedom & U.S. foreign policy
Ten years ago today President Clinton signed the landmark International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA), a law its supporters hoped would…
The politics of secularism in international relations
From an interview with Elizabeth Shakman Hurd on her book, The Politics of Secularism in International Relations.
The politics of secularism in international relations
A survey of leading contemporary international relations (IR) journals published between 1980 and 1996 revealed that 6 out of 1,600…
Rethinking religious pluralism
Alongside the ongoing discussion of A Secular Age, I would like to consider another important nexus in modern life---religious pluralism.…